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Me as a Developer

How others perceive me as a software developer?

Statements that you will be assessed on


Writes clean and maintainable code while staying open to feedback for improvement.


Actively collaborates with teammates, balancing technical problem-solving with creativity in finding solutions.


Approaches development with both strategic planning and an openness to exploring innovative ideas.


Takes responsibility for bugs or challenges, addressing them constructively and learning from the experience.


Communicates technical concepts clearly to non-technical team members.


Embraces diverse perspectives and stays open-minded to new approaches, tools, and methodologies.

Each statement will be rated on a scale from 1 to 10, with space for additional comments and insights.

How it works

Invite your circle

Share with friends, colleagues, or mentors who know you well. We recommend inviting at least 5-7 people to ensure anonymity.

They provide feedback

Each person receives a unique, anonymous link via email to answer the assessment questions privately and honestly.

View your insights

Once at least 5 people respond to each question, you'll get access to your anonymous feedback results.

Enter email to get started
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